Veeam backup Agent for Linux (beta) CentOS 7

today just received an email from Veaam with link and code. So I can download the beta agent for linux.  In my case I will use CentOS 7  linux distribution 64bit.

Installation is easy, with some tricky part. As on installation page here is step-by-step  info about how to install the Veeam Linux agent. But I am missing step-by-step info about how to install prerequisites. So you can read it here for CentOS 7 Linux.

First of all update your server. Once done,  reboot the server if during your update was installed new kernel.

yum update -y

if you dont have already installed install wget package. It will be used for downloading other packages from web.  Now we will download + install EPEL repository where is Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) package.

wget -O ~/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh ~/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

Now we have installed EPEL repository and we can install DKMS and kernel headers.

yum install dkms kernel-devel -y

Now we have installed all prerequisites and we are ready to install Veeam agent for Linux (beta)

rpm -ivh veeamsnap-
rpm -ivh veeam-


Veeam links:

part2 : Let’s backup
part3 : Restores
part4 : Command line