Upgrade Veeam Backup & Replication from 9.0 to 9.5


Check status of Veeam services

Get-Service Veeam*


Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Running  VeeamBackupSvc     Veeam Backup Service
Running  VeeamBrokerSvc     Veeam Broker Service
Running  VeeamCatalogSvc    Veeam Guest Catalog Service
Running  VeeamCloudSvc      Veeam Cloud Connect Service
Running  VeeamDeploySvc     Veeam Installer Service
Running  VeeamMountSvc      Veeam Mount Service
Running  VeeamNFSSvc        Veeam vPower NFS Service
Running  VeeamTapeSvc       Veeam Tape Access Service
Running  VeeamTransportSvc  Veeam Data Mover Service

Before upgrade stop all your Veeam jobs and disable all Veeam services and restart server.

 Set-Service VeeamBackupSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamCatalogSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamCloudSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamDeploySvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamMountSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamNFSSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamTapeSvc -StartupType Disabled
 Set-Service VeeamTransportSvc -StartupType Disabled

Once the server is back online run the setup.exe, accept the license and click Next



Setup will inform you about detected previous version



and recognize that you have already licenced version. If you want to provide new license number just click Browse and add new license file.


Veeam 9.5 require Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL2014 and Management Objects. And if you didnt install it already, it will inform you. You have the option to install it now .. just press Install.



once installed  you can click Next and continue with upgrade.veeam6

Choose under which account will be your Veeam Backup & Replication service running.


Choose a database instance. I am using local MSSQLDB.


Setup will ask if you are sure to use this database and if required upgrade it.


Now all prerequisities are done and you can isntall upgrade.






.. and finished. Your Veeam Backup & Replication was upgraded to version 9.5veeam12

You can connect ..



after login as a last step server componnents will be upgraded.veeam14


Once done you can use Veeam Backup & Replication and do backups.


All services which were stopped and disabled before installation are automatically set as Automatic startup.

Veeam backup Agent for Linux update to BETA2 on CentOS 7


Now I want to update it with newer version “beta2” which was released recently. First of all download BETA2 files for your Linux distribution. In my case RPM files for RedHat/Centos 7 from Veeam site.

First of all you need to uninstall “beta1” to be able to install “beta2” properly.

Continue reading “Veeam backup Agent for Linux update to BETA2 on CentOS 7”

Veeam backup Agent for Linux (beta) CentOS 7

today just received an email from Veaam with link and code. So I can download the beta agent for linux.  In my case I will use CentOS 7  linux distribution 64bit.

Installation is easy, with some tricky part. As on installation page here is step-by-step  info about how to install the Veeam Linux agent. But I am missing step-by-step info about how to install prerequisites. So you can read it here for CentOS 7 Linux.

First of all update your server. Once done,  reboot the server if during your update was installed new kernel.

Continue reading “Veeam backup Agent for Linux (beta) CentOS 7”