VCSA – vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 – backup


  • Login to admin environment of vCenter appliance



  • Choose backup



And in wizard fill all the info:

  • Protocol [HTTPS or HTTP or SCP or FTPS or FTP]
  • Location [server_IP_or_DNS/EmptyDirectory]
  • Port [if you use standard ports for protocols above, then you can skip]
  • UserName
  • Password

if you want to encrypt backup data fill Password/Passphrase

  • Passowrd for encryption must contain:
    • At least 8 characters, cannot be more than 20 characters in length.
    • At least 1 uppercase letter.
    • At least 1 lowercase letter.
    • At least 1 numeric digit.
    • At least 1 special character (any character not in [0-9,a-z,A-Z]).


if you get error about not running services see my troubleshooting post

Click Next and add description for this backup (optional).


Summary page


and once you hit Finish, backup will start and you can watch progress bar.

VMware vSphere vCenter server appliance VCSA 6.5 backup

Backup job finished successfully.

VMware vSphere vCenter server appliance VCSA 6.5 backup